To realize accountability requires shared ownership in the desired outcomes.   Please consider this logic sequence …

  • Responsibility for outcomes is a choice.
  • Choices that we make consciously, we own the outcomes fully.
  • Direction that was set for us, involved no choice.   [We actually promote unconscious behavior]
  • Direction that is set for us is most often resisted.  [Whether age 4 or 40, we do not like this]
  • If those [set-for-us] outcomes endanger us personally, we will usually reject our own role in aiding in the group’s recovery.

People must have a voice in group decision making and action taken by their group.

  • Without inclusion, there can be no awareness of the challenges we should face together.
  • Without the broadest possible understanding of the cause of our challenge, the solution is narrow and sub optimized.
  • People naturally wish to positively affect outcomes in life.
  • We must understand the rationale behind proposed solutions and action, to opt-in to supporting thru a solution [as employee] or accepting that solution [as customer].
  • Better yet, let our collective direct experience with the challenges [targeted by solutions] be sought out and included in those solutions.

Life is complex, no doubt.   There are far more ideas than time allows to implement.   One current path must be debated, committed to and owned.

  • People must be included, on-going and proactively in decision making – they must have “space to think and support”
  • Failure to leverage the broadest perspective creates extreme waste.
  • Let us intentionally choose the current path, together.
  • Let us objectively evaluate that path frequently and effectively.
  • Let us learn, adapt and improve, together.
  • When we act together, effectively, we in-turn optimize our efficiency.  [not the other way around]

Key Point

We truly know only what we have Directly experienced in life.   Not in our minds [imagination], but through shared experience in the trial / error, learning and adaptation throughout a lifetime.

If we can consciously experience outcomes together, we might be less inclined to Deny those realities.   If we set the stage together, we are more likely to own the clean-up after the day’s show is done.

What we consciously agree to do together, we are more likely to Accept in the outcome.   Continuous improvement begins through acceptance of the prior outcome.   Without group acceptance, there can be no accountability for improvement [in how we serve each other].

What we are unaware of in life, affects us negatively. We consider negative, that which we cannot Accept.    Conscious, shared decision-making brings acceptance.

A Plea for Inclusion in Decision Making

Please, seriously reconsider …

As a single team member in an organization, whether you’re in operations directly supporting one single customer at the moment, or you are the CEO indirectly supporting all customers, how much could YOU truly know and affect, by yourself?

Our professional title reflects our scale of responsibility to serve, not our private knowledge and degree of personal control.

The world has become [unnecessarily, in my opinion] complex.   Personally, I’m struggling to discern if Technology is simplifying or making life’s formula more complex each day.    I suspect its a factor of how each person uses (or is used by) technology.

It takes a Village to run a village.   Is your Village fully engaged to own their outcomes?

My passion is to help those truly awake and aware enough to genuinely lead, to lovingly “take the reigns” on the crazed horse called “command-control” management, and to show ‘us’ a sincere, instead of artificially serious way of sharing Vision and offering meaningful, well-time Support in the execution of that Vision to better support Society’s evolution.   Let these true leaders step forward to realize a decision framework that ensures the broadest Inclusion and commitment towards collective desires and best-possible outcomes affirmed by customers?




Why do we tend NOT to include people in decision making?

I appreciate your shared perspective.    My own perspective can be found on-going, in my related posts.