Fuat Aki - Director - Software Development at TRG

"... in a geographically diverse org. he quickly established a refreshing new collective mindset via Inclusive, Adaptive processes with fair, objective metrics ... role clarity, visibility and accountability ..."

David was brought on board to tackle very complex issues and problems, which had gotten out of hand and been growing each day. He quickly brought new ideas, established a refreshing new collective mindset via Inclusive, Adaptive processes with fair, objective metrics.

He reached out to different departments, most of which are geographically diverse, and established a sense of ownership, and promoted the idea of being a unified team.

He gave top-most importance to role clarity, visibility and accountability. With the changes he put in place in a short period of time, there was more collaboration and participation by all teams.

David is a natural Leader and an inspiring mentor. In a very short period of time, he pioneered implementation of many new processes and tools, and while doing that he let the Team digest and provide their feedback. He used the feedback and made the team be part of these changes.

As a Manager, David is also a very good listener. He gives importance to each individual’s input and feedback, and offers his mentoring and help to the extent possible. With these qualities, he can motivate any Team to care about its shared ownership in outcomes for business and customer.