Help us Design and amazing solution?

We are NOT trying to sell you anything today.

We are asking for your brief assist in the Design OF this solution.

We humbly ask for 30 to 45 minutes of your time.

Does this sound like your work life scenario?

I am fed up with my current job.

I feel disrespected and unappreciated.   Rarely included on key decisions.

My ideas are diluted, delayed, and rarely implemented as I suggested.  If they are partially implemented, I get no credit.

Why can’t they find practical ways to Include me and my peers in decision making?   Why can’t they consider and Adapt to our insight?

I work hard, not smart.

I can’t see how my effort contributes to the Team, nor how our Team makes a difference for the company and our Customers.

We constantly change our mind on priorities.   We rarely cross the finish line with our best ideas.

It seems that the person who people fear the most, forces their crappy ideas over the finish line 1st and most often. We are cowards!   How do we change!?

I'm just plain exhausted.

Why can’t we figure out a sustainable work pace?
We have too much s^@* moving at the same time.

I rarely hear from inspiring Leaders about our goals and the rationale for doing the things we do.

I’m so bored and tired of listening to Talking Heads.   They patronize us with Employee and Customer Engagement activities that WE know they really don’t care about.

Just considering a new job feels like

Time Consuming

It’s stressful and time-consuming to seek a different employer or Role in same company.

My partner, family or friends add to the self-doubt and stress, pleading with me to “stay put” and avoid disruption in income.

I’ll try to ignore the work stress.  But I’ll project my frustation onto Family & Friends.   I may even grow to resent them for not letting me “take some risk”.

Could Get Worse!

There’s no certainty that I won’t land in an even worse situation.

It’s hard to tell the true reality of an organization.   They sell themselves to be something they’re not.   I figured this out too late with my current employer.

I’ll remain loyal to my current employer for years.  I’ll begin to naively think they can’t survive without me.   I’ll find ways to justify feeling miserable.

Actively seeking a new job feels like

The interview process sucks!

I’m so annoyed by middle-men and screening interviews.

They have no real idea about my experience and history.  Not enough time allowed to really appreciate my skills and potential.

They have no idea how to rank me with the hiring manager!

I was the BEST candidate and I never made it to their short list!
#x%@  !!

Hidden Reality?

Are they hiding their work culture issues, or are they that clueless about this Role?

Feels like they want to interrogate me and “keep me on my heels” to see if I say something they don’t like.  Why can’t we have an honest, dynamic conversation?

I leave the interviews having no real clue where this is going and whether I’d really enjoy and want this opportunity.

Speed Things Up!

I’m so stressed having to say “no thanks” to real offers, while having no idea of my real status with the opps I like best!

How can we speed this up and get me to the people I’ll actually work with?

Let me SEE the internal reality of this process, my status in their decision making and how they are critiquing my fit for this Role.
Give me a chance to clarify and resolve objections, AS we go.

I Sense these Underlying Issues

Unqualified Interviewers?

The [initial / early rounds] person interviewing me has no idea what the Role truly involves and how to judge my experience.   Too often this includes the Hiring manager (not just the screeners)

The interviewer is arrogant (confidence without experience) and I am underselling myself because I have limited experience in their context.
We’re talking past each other and this didn’t help either of us.

How can I be more bold?   Can I LEAD the interview instead?

Relevant Discussion?

We are not objective in our discussion.   We tend to “buddy up” subjectively on side topics.  Tough questions go unanswered.

Those who scrutinize candidates best, tend to build the best Teams and inspiring work environments.

How do we ensure a relevant discussion?   We’re talking about a major life decision for me and my Family.

Time is not my friend

Different job opportunities moving at different paces.   Some employers have a 1 or 2-step process and then want my decision quickly.

The opportunity that interests me the most, drags on over weeks, multiple interviews and delays between each.

There must be a way for me to influence “my status” and drive for the timing of next action, so I get through quickly.
There must be a way to choose 3 or 4 opps and move them through this process at a similar pace, so I don’t have to force a decision on the first company to select me.

A relevant Solution sounds like

"I" lead the interview.

I have mobile access to starting questions that guide the Interviewers down a Path which helps me detect each part of their reality.
How they Think.
What they Value.
Evident by how they truly Operate.

I have total confidence inbound and outbound from each interview, what was actually said.
I can boldly suggest who I want to talk with next.
I’m ready for the most intense Group interview they could throw at me!

Dysfunctional responses are made more obvious and cannot be side-stepped.

I have a way to probe to the origin of issues.  While I may not know how to get to that origin, this solution takes US there.   No mercy!

I can SEE how my role would play amongst that scenario.   I can see the COMPLETE picture of who they really are, and not what they are selling me.

I can objectively determine whether I’d enjoy that action, or regret ever signing up.   Nothing is perfect, but I should have a choice.

I am supported ...

… by someone with broad and deep expertise on organization dynamics and the origins of dysfunction.

This person guided the question pathways that I used during those interviews.   They are with me the entire way.

Someone I can speak with inbound or outbound to crucial interviews and to help me assess their reality.   Affirm and challenge my intuition and what I’m sensing.

Advise me on what to consider so I can make my best decision.

The Apparent Benefits

Objectivity & Confidence

Better clarity of each new opportunity and more objective insight towards a decision I can fully Accept.

My Talent shines through and they covet me as a candidate.   I’m no longer a commodity and just an “applicant number”.

Better Sleep, Less Anxiety

I sleep better and have far less Anxiety throughout the process of a job / career change.

I guard my energy and time.

I play “offense instead of defense” with candidate EmployERs.

Better Choice and Decision Flow

I find ways to speed up their process through my engaging, clear, inspiring discussion.

I am able to better synchronize the timelines of different opportunities, by encouraging the pace to speed up and get me quickly to the final decision maker.

I know the real status of my effort throughout and can communicate clearly with loved ones.

Relationships maintained better

I can communicate clearly with my Partner, Family & Friends, WHY I am so confident in making this decision to take a new opportunity.

Why we care & want to evolve and optimize this solution

You Deserve Their Best Attention

It breaks our heart to witness people who feel trapped, just riding out the next __ years until they can Retire and restart Life in a way they’ll actually enjoy.

We spend 2/3rds of our hours awake, working.   Shouldn’t that feel meaningful?  Dare we suggest, Inspiring?

Why live at all, if it’s just for a paycheck that we use to buy stuff to take our mind off of the J.O.B.?(Jailer Operating as a Business)

Expect More from Orgs and Life!

With each job-hop, we reinforce the belief that ALL organizations are dysfunctional and we better just accept that.

That is highly flawed thinking, born from interviewing poorly.   This brings more of the same flawed opportunities offered by organizations who Think & Act in similar, dysfunctional ways.

You need a radically different approach to interviewing.

Awareness is crucial - 2 way fit

Sure, every organization has some issues.   The difference is their ability to SEE them and their will and capability to deal with them.
“Be a part of the Solution, not the problem”, right?
Our goal is to ensure that you find your way to the prospective Org’s most inspiring, truly empowered Leaders, giving you the chance to influence and lead in a similar manner.

We want you to land in a role that offers you the broadest perspective and right to influence.

Return the Teams to health by “killing the few cancerous cells” that ruin it for everyone.

Insanity:  “fixed mindset Thinking producing similar Action and predictable outcomes, while passively hoping for change”

Does this Problem Scenario resonate with you?

Does the hint of the Solution intrigue you?

Willing to help us shape the Solution?

This is NOT career Counseling.  We have a different Service for this.

This is NOT resume writing support. We do not specialize in that.

This is NOT a recruiting or networking assist.  We do not help you FIND job opportunities.  

What’s in it for you?
A solution designed best to meet your Needs.

No Commitment!   You can exit the interview quickly if this proves irrelevant.

Private Discount as a Thank You for influencing the design.
Sent to you via email when the Solution goes Live.

What’s in it for our company?
This helps us develop Industry-Best Solutions that delight our customers.

We want to be known as innovators.  Our solutions must be easy to use with inspiring outcomes.

We are a small Team.
We cannot afford to build things that people don’t need or find difficult to use.

You help us focus on the most urgent Needs and Usable designs.

We avoid wasted energy and time from building the wrong solutions that nobody needs.

We want to help people ASAP.

Sign up for our Solution Design Interview

short code form here

2/3rds of Life awake is spent working. Shouldn’t that be inspiring and enjoyable?


We are NOT trying to sell you anything today.

We are asking for your brief assist in the Design OF this solution.

We humbly ask for 30 to 45 minutes of your time.

About David Harmony …

A Renown Consultant and Coach of Product Development Teams around the Globe


Many organizations lack visibility to their priorities and are severely misaligned as they execute plans.   Scary to imagine riding in a car with painted windows, just because they PAID you to join them.


Leadership involves including people in the definition of strategic priorities, seeking their influence in Solutions, and the timely, meaningful support of people, as THEY design and operate wonderful customer experiences.


People want to be heard and appreciated.   Better yet if their ideas are sincerely attempted and they are rewarded for their courage to improve the reality of Society and the company.   There is no failure, just Learning, Adapting, & Improving.


Many hands make light work.   Too often, traditional managers take comfort in hiding information for a false sense of Control.   What we are NOT aware of, collectively, hurts us ALL.  Adaptive work cultures know this well and strive for Inclusion and Adaptation to the ever-changing Shared reality between Employees and Customers.   Stakeholders are at the BOTTOM of the modern org structure.

“a Cancerous [cell, human, society] lacks reference to the whole & kills both Self and Other without knowing it.” – D.H.

Did this life Scenario Resonate with you?

Help us, by influencing the Right Solution?