Gentle reminder: if n/a to join a Team Sync as a Team member, please before start of that Team sync …
- comment in the Jira Story discussion thread(s) what your progress was since the last sync AND what you next attempted commitment is until the next sync,
- and kindly offer a Link in the Team Sync chat thread to each story where you’ve done so (indicating your awareness and attempt to communicate)
- if blocked, where and what kind of assist you might need from whom (especially other team members)
- what you’re trying to commit to (remotely, without live consensus from team members ) until the next team sync
- and fast follow once you are available, if what you detect from the sync occuring without, implies that your personal effort and assumptions may be block for today
This reinforces the principles of Mutual Respect for People and Empowerment for Teams in the planning and execution at a Sustainable Pace.
And yes, if there was a sudden urgency and you couldn’t pre communicate, no problem. Please just follow up using this protocol, as soon as you can.
Thank you very much!
Product Owners: in the absence of internal Agility coaches, we need to ask you to kindly remind team members who may not be offering this awareness. Feel free to just share the link to this post and let David Harmony be the Agility Officer.
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