A Feature is: a Transactional Experience that fulfills a specific need (Job To Be Done; JTBD) of a Persona’s Use Case scenario.
Clearly show: How the Transaction begins with a Trigger (a ‘need signal’ of User/Customer) and concludes with a meaningful Outcome, usually trackable in a manner relevant to both the Customer and our Business.
Ideal Title Format:
[Adjective/Adverb suggesting status or Type of change; ex Enhance, Develop Initial, Retire/Replace-with, Deprecate, gracefully Shut-Down] Persona engaging in [new, existing] Use Case Scenario [with a hint of the improvement as a small phrase]
Acceptance Criteria: Clarify the improvement, noted as a HINT within the Title field. Use the format of sub experience scenarios, including Happy-flow and Exception-based flows that are in scope for this Iteration of enhancement. Note: Scaled Agility empowers ongoing, long-term, multiple opportunities to enhance a specific Feature scenario. Consider using the User Story’s format of the Given-When-Then, but avoid redundancy with Story Acceptance Criteria. Keep the focus at the entry point and exit point of the Feature scenario(s) (happy vs exception flows, for ex) and if/how this Feature (transaction) interacts with the next logical step in the User experience flow, whether or not that next step is also in the current scope or not. This is often referred to as Integration testing.
Exception: not every feature results in an outcome Observable by the end User. These are called Enablers. They are most often identified as part of the Epic. Note: As of 2024.Q1 we will being to challenge Story Spikes that should have been Feature or Epic level Enabler activity instead.
Learn More: Features and Capabilities – Scaled Agile Framework
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