Culturing Environments, Enacting Servant Leadership

  • The Modern Organization Structure and Dynamic, is a Team of Teams that sincerely honor their codependence and the Org’s Mission to Serve Society.
  • What we are NOT aware of is our Missed Opportunity (or what “hurts US”).
  • David helps Organizations find pragmatic ways of Including People in Decision Making which Yields Amazing Experiences built on Shared Reality with Customer


Our Experience with Enterprise Culture Change and Restructuring

DFC has advised and coached successful Agile adoption at all levels of the organization (Enterprise, Portfolio, Solution, Program, Release and OCM functions).  We have deep, direct  experience with all levels of the Agile coaching structure, which  creates a Bridge of Understanding between Senior leadership teams and actively transforming Portfolios.

We have helped many organizations successfully reorganize and optimize their Lean Leadership teams, Value Streams and associated Programs.  We help leaders understand the implications of moving from current to future state org structure and solution delivery practices.  Mitigating risk and maximizing the benefits of Agile planning & delivery is the key.

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Establish an Adaptive Leadership Capability

Successful Lean-Agile Transformations involve establishing an internal, self-sustaining Capability to maintain a true Learning organization that strives to adapt to changing customer needs.   Unfortunately, Agile Transformations are often viewed as once-and-done “projects” involving change controls and final readouts.   This is a serious mistake which shorts an organization of the majority of the benefits of Adaptive Leadership frameworks, while also subjecting the organization to unnecessary, substantial Risk.

Lead and Model the Way

There is a predictable pathway to success with pragmatic options to preempt the Issues that block the establishment of Adaptive Leadership.  This begins with a very different mindset from senior leadership and requires the support of a highly experienced Consultant/Coach with many years of experience as a senior leader.   Agile after all, is about Mindset – the Values, Principles and Practices are a means to realizing a wide-scale Ownership Mindset that shows respect for and leverages all of the talent in the organization.  

David has bundled up this experience and delivers it in the form of context-appropriate Journey Maps, involving highly coordinated strategic shifts and tactical actions across the Executive, Middle Management, and Team layers, across well-defined Milestones that can be objectively measured for true progress and overall success.

A crucial step in transforming an organization to embrace the Lean Mindset is to clarify how to lead in a Lean culture while maintaining the confidence across all layers of management – a commonly missed gap in consulting and coaching.   Far too often, consulting firms do not focus on managers and senior leaders as part of the Transformation.   They are a crucial part of the equation, setting the Vision, Communicating, Supporting, and resolving the Impediments to change throughout the journey.  

Decision Framework Consulting has a unique way of offering well-timed and role-specific guidance for Assessments, Training, and Transformation Coaching, through our online University, with a unique know-how and support of Senior Leadership and Management. Our unique approach results in meaningful, proactive support from Senior leaders, truly enabling Servant Leadership.   View scenarios that we help clients through …

"Culture eats Strategy for breakfast"

 … but how to best serve up Strategy?

Far too often, organizations pursue a Culture shift or a major Transformation in a naive manner, by indirectly hoping [not signaling, communicating or supporting] or more directly telling people to ‘just change’ outright.   They fail to see that the current culture is the result of years of behavior patterns in how the org has Communicated and Incentivized people to align with the mission. Any historical misalignment is unfortunately embedded into the current Solutions offered by the org.  Despite motivation and buy-in by people to drive change, often the Architecture of solutions delays, completely blocks, or dilutes meaningful change.      At the onset of a desire to change, senior management realizes that ‘what helped them succeed and ascend the org structure’, isn’t how they wish to communicate and reward going forward. David brings immense value to his clients by helping them reset the Strategic Planning and Execution system, to ensure clear strategy exists to fulfill the organization’s evolving purpose.

To fully realize the benefits of a clear Strategy is to fully Connect its formulation and execution to ALL the Teams within the organization.

Including Teams in the Strategy formulation brings Inspiration and Accountability.   The fundamental building block to all of this is the Vulnerability of the Senior leadership Team.   To become available (vulnerable) to the Teams we intend to serve, we must be Present and Accepting of the current evolving situation. Please consider David’s Team Dynamics services. [showmodule id=”3647″]

Can you actually see strategic outcomes evolving, real time?

Optimize the System - Strategic Focus and Flow

With a revitalized Team of Teams situation, HC can help Leaders transform their culture to leverage Planning and Execution frameworks that include all talent of their organization in a way that is Pragmatic and Inspiring.  


David maintains strategic partnerships with Consulting firms renowned for their scaling support of Lean-Agile transformations.  As a leading consultant in the Lean-Agile transformation space, David has honed experience over 25+ years to guide 20+ successful enterprise transformations.

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Strategy dissemination requires an organic system that must be owned by the entire organization.

  • Operations has the direct interaction with real customers?
  • The Product/Service function develops Solutions for operations?
  • The Strategy function shapes/shares Vision and maintains aligned execution with Prod/Serv and Operations?
  • The executives create Vision and Support the entire org in their delivery of valued customer experiences?

We hired all of those talented people … WHY wouldn’t we fully engage and leverage that talent?

A common, shocking answer is that “we don’t yet trust the Teams to own outcomes“.   Sad but too often true.  The fundamental issue is blindspots.   We fear the unknown.   We fear what we can’t see or understand.  We tend to avoid our Fears.   The result:   One layer of the org distrusts another layer.   One function distrusts the others.   Sad and unnecesary.

The solution has TWO parts:

1] Harmony Consulting, David’s branded services that focus on Team Dynamics and Leadership Presence, repairs and optimizes intra and inter Team dynamics, both within each layer and across all layers of the org.

2] Simultaneously, a Decision Framework must be incrementally nurtured to establish Focus and Flow across the entire organization.   Enter Decision Framework Consulting, David’s branded services that help executives prime their organization for change and bring line of site to the in-progress attempts by healing Teams to strive for renewed Focus and Connection to Strategies.

The ultimate validation is feedback from real people in real-time exchanges, not proxy variables or lagging vanity metrics.   Employees are your ultimate Leading indicator of validated relationship with Customer.   Never forget … your Employees are some other organization’s customers.  Employees see through patronizing satisfaction and engagement projects.

Don’t hassle your Employees, and they in turn won’t hassle your Customers

Do you suspect that your Team Dynamics could improve and may be blocking System-wide Flow?

Have you hired Consultants and embedded Coaches as part of a Lean-Agile Transformation which seems to be failing?

Reconsider Step 1 and Review Harmony Consulting’s Team Dynamics solutions.

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David brought just the right combination of experience, technique, and passion, at just the right time, to help us to launch an Lean delivery environment for a complex financial services marketing team. With his transformation plan, embedded coaching, and honest feedback, we successfully launched a cross-functional Adaptive-Leadership system in just 3 months with Quarterly Planning events that enabled a leadership platform, set the stage for improved associate morale, significantly improved Team inclusion in quarterly planning, and granted Sr Leadership a genuine perspective on what the Program teams were capable of delivering for our customers, partners, and organizational leadership. People are more meaningfully involved in shaping Strategy, driving continuous improvement, and deriving commitment dates offered to Customers. Wonderful!!
Lee Cookman

Sr. Director, Capital One

David served as our first Agile Coach from the start of our Agile transformation. His deep knowledge of Agile, Lean, Scaled Agile , and the human elements of high performing teams and organizational behavior enabled him to be an effective coach and trusted partner for me as sponsor, for the leadership group, and for our teams. David embodied Servant Leadership as he led us through team formation, initial backlog creation, release planning, value stream analysis, SAFe adoption, etc. David is an insightful coach and I would work with him again.
Scott Richardson

Chief Data Officer, Fannie Mae

With David’s trusted advisory, we were able to excel Paycor’s Agile journey. David diligently focused on teaching our teams the underlying values and coaching them on behaviors based on principles to ensure self-sustainability. David remained flexible, offering both sense of urgency and patience. He knew when to push for change and when to allow learning to unfold naturally. His professional experience and personal qualities earned him significant amount of trust and respect from our teams. I would work with him again and recommend him to any organization seeking a servant leadership culture to remain competitive in modern software development.
Zhen Tao

Chief Information Officer, Paycor

Inclusion Enables Inspiration.   What we are NOT aware of is our Missed Opportunity (or what “hurts US”).
David helps Organizations find [so-called] pragmatic ways of Including People in Decision Making which Yields Amazing [Integrating]Experiences built on Shared Reality with Customer.