Deliver on Strategic goals, when you said you would.  How?

Learn crucial adaptations to Lean-Agile Estimating at scale.

Watch an excerpt from
Lean-Agile Portfolio Forecasting

This info typically only available during Embedded Coaching engagements.


Matching Demands with Observable Supply

Learn and adapt what you ‘request of’ your delivery system, to match the capacity and pace reality. Placing infinite demands upon a finite system is the core issue.


Objective Financial Justification

Learn how to proactively justify (objectively, economically) an increase or decrease in the capacity needed to meet strategic goals over the next 18+ months.



45 Minutes




Who Am I and Why I Offer This?

Wh​​​​​​​at I do:
I help you optimize the Flow of strategy aligned within a compelling org mission. I help you find practical and reliable ways to include all your talented people in shared decision making towards inspiring strategy formulation.

Knowledge workers in this digital era have a natural desire to deliver. But they must be included in the continuous exploration to better understand customer needs and to influence the evolving solution. Self-responsibility and love for the Team, replace a need to find ways to “hold others Accountable”.

Those who deliver the plan should plan on their own behalf. Responsibility comes from direct understanding of desired outcomes and why that matters to everyone. In my experience, I rarely find people who “don’t care – it’s just a paycheck”.

I have found that knowing your connection and contribution within the entire Value-flow system results in honoring that dependency on others. Trust and willing vulnerability are the result. These are the building blocks for Teams who love the org mission and their customers. It is quite freeing to know you are safe within a work culture that expects and welcomes an admission of “I don’t know” and nurtures practical ways to free people up to experiment and confirm together, what they now know better.

We invest approximately 2/3rds of our life awake, working.
I’d like that to feel inspiring and meaningful.

I bring 33+ years experience of supporting Executive Teams.

I was a practitioner and Senior leader in Ops Finance, Technology, and Product Management.

I understand how to realize the full benefits of Business Agility, in a way that is “certifiable” only through intense years of experience.

Learn More about his approach and purpose


David Harmony

Meet Other Folks Who’ve Enjoyed Break-Through Moments Using the Same Leadership Framework

Inclusive, Adaptive Leadership … realized!

“Bright mind, cool head, kind heart. These three attributes make David the quintessential team builder. He brought in fresh ideas. He changed the status quo by tirelessly, yet gently evangelizing the benefits of Inclusive, Adaptive Leadership.”

Peg Ryan, VP of eCommerce | Farmers Insurance

Knowing when to push us and when to sit back

“If you are a Baseball person, I’d tell you that David is a “5 Tool Player”.  His talents are as deep as they are wide.  David is a dynamic individual that balances the “too much or too little line” with confidence and grace.  Great person, great experiences, and tremendous talent.”

Kevin Winchester | Paycor (VP of Tech)

We will help you optimize sincere and practical Relationship between your Product / Service Teams and Customers.

Outcomes are optimized as a result of ongoing Awareness and Shared Self-Responsibility across your entire organization and partner network.

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