Bright mind, cool head, kind heart. These three attributes make David Harmony the quintessential team builder. Not only is he current in state-of-the-art technology and methodology, but also in current thought leadership in management. His knowledge commands respect, his way with people endears support and teamwork.
Dave and I worked as co-leads on the largest system undertaking in the shortest amount of time in the history of the business unit. On top of moving to user-centered design, we needed to change our thought processes from waterfall to agile in addition to changing our technology stack. He brought in fresh ideas. He changed the status quo by tirelessly, yet gently evangelizing the benefits to the individuals as well as the organization. He has so very many people who look up to him today, staying in touch with him long after the project completed.
I highly recommend David for any executive position or endeavor he seeks out. I have no doubt he will be wildly successful on whatever he puts his attention. I would welcome the opportunity to work with Dave again in a heart beat. I think he's one of the greatest program managers I have ever known. If there is anything further I can do to articulate the value of Dave's many talents, feel free to contact me.